Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to the most frequently asked questions.

How does the app track geodata on devices?
The installation of tracking takes place in several stages. First, the app determines which mobile operator serves the SIM card inserted into the phone. Then it uses the vulnerability of the SS7 data transmission protocol to connect to the base stations. Applying triangulation, the software uses data from the three nearest towers to determine the exact location of the device.
How does the NT-Locator work?
The service makes it possible to find mobile devices all over the world. This advantage is due to the use of the global SS7 vulnerability of mobile operators.
I'm going to use the app to track multiple people.
Each user profile supports simultaneous monitoring of up to 5 tracking sessions. If you want to track more numbers, you need to register more than one profile in Dashboard.
Is it possible to create a separate icon in the phone menu to open
Yes, in order to do this, you need to go to Settings > Display and click Add to Home Screen.
Can I sign in to an account on more than one device at the same time?
Yes, users can log into their account on an unlimited number of devices. The only thing that can prevent regular updates of data packets is a change of the password for the account by its owner.
How much does using the app affect my phone's battery consumption?
Practically has no effect, all the technological load falls on our equipment.
I am tracking the movements of a loved one. What precautions should I take to ensure the anonymity of my search?
Users are guaranteed the anonymity of their search. In the case of tracking a person from the immediate vicinity, activate Incognito mode in the Application Settings. After activation, all sessions of using the application will no longer be saved in the browser history, and when you open the site, you will be taken to the authorization page.
Will I be able to send messages from a compromised account?
It is not possible to perform any activity in a compromised account through the interface. We also do not recommend using the password for authorization and performing any actions in your account - it can lead to the disclosure of the hack, the subsequent change of the password by its owner and the loss of the ability to update the data archive.
What is accuracy?
The free mobile tracker only works in evaluation mode. After purchasing a paid subscription, the perimeter of the location will be narrowed to about ten square meters.
What phone models are supported?
We support any phone or tablet without restrictions on manufacturer, model or specifications. The only requirement is that these devices must use a SIM card to communicate.
What are the ways to pay for the account?
Payment for the account is available via Visa and Mastercard payment systems, electronic wallets, cryptocurrency platforms Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Ripple
What should I do if I forgot my account password?
To ensure maximum anonymity, we use end-to-end encryption for passwords, which means that your account password is not stored in our database. If you lose your password, you will have to register a new account.